Classes I peer taught for:
• CSCE 121: Introduction to Program Design and Concepts
• CSCE 221: Data Structures & Algorithms
• CSCE 222: Discrete Structures for Computing
It was extremely rewarding to be a Peer Teacher. I loved helping the students who are taking the courses I have taken before and have done well in. I have received several messages personally thanking me for my help. Doing this has also helped me better retain information from those classes in order to have a better foundation of knowledge for current and future courses, as well as in my research.
I only wish that I had been able to stay in this role for longer, but my time as a peer teacher was cut short due to my semester abroad.
"I think that Alyssa was an amazing Peer Teacher because she was patient with me and took the time to re explain things multiple time until I got it. She is really good at communicating and explaining things clearly and is really passionate about computer science and helping others! Above all else, Alyssa is respectful and honest. I think that helped me a lot too when I went to her for help in 121 and it helped me focus on practicing writing out functions and also looking at everything as a whole."

"Broooo!!!! I got an A in 121 and I completely attribute that to the help I got from my Peer Teachers!!! Thank you so much for helping me out this past semester and although we peers, it’s Teacher appreciation week and you were one of my best teachers this semester! 💕"
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